90-day draft Plan review_20180701

Posted: 07/02/18

In October 2016, the Board of Managers began the process to amend it Watershed Management Plan (Plan) based upon a recommendation from the District's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).  The Board determined to amend the plan rather than complete a full update, because the current version was amended in 2015 and was in force through 2021.  The Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) determined the effective date of the amended Plan would be extended upon completion of the amendment.  The draft Plan was released for the 60-day public comment period in July, 2017.  The comment period ended in September, 2017 and the District held a public hearing October 25, 2017.  At the public hearing the Board continued the public hearing and directed staff to hold informational meetings throughout the District, for residents to learn more about the impacts of the plan on individual properties and provide comments to the District.  The public hearing was reconvened April 18, 2018.  The Board approved the current draft of the Plan and directed staff to submit the Plan to BWSR for the final 90-day review.  Documents submitted to BWSR follow:

  1. Summary-of-revisions - June2018
  2. Final 90-Day Draft Amended Plan - June 2018
  3. Final 90-Day Draft Amended Plan - June 2018 - Redlined Copy
  4. Comment Log Transmittal Memo - June 2018
  5. 60-Day Draft Plan - Comment Reponse Log - FINAL
  6. Public Hearing Notice Plan amendment - Oct 2017
  7. Public Hearing Notice Plan amendment - April 2018


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