The District works toward a number of goals identified in the Watershed Management Plan. A summary of goals is listed below; learn more about each goal within the Plan.

Goal 1: Organizational Management

  • Cooperate with other governmental agencies on issues affecting the District's resources.
  • Provide public information services.
  • Perform periodic assessments and program reviews.

Goal 2: Surface Water Management

  • Provide strategic resource evaluation and management.
  • Develop a High Value Resources Area overlay district.
  • Create watershed management standards.
  • Promote disconnected stormwater management and low-impact development.
  • Develop a cost-share incentive program.
  • Lead water quality restoration programs.
  • Modify and continue the monitoring program.
  • Complete detailed data assessments.
  • Coordinate with other agencies and water quality programs.
  • Develop steep slopes standard.
  • Develop a vegetation management standard/plan.

Goal 3: Groundwater Management

  • Provide strategic resource evaluation and management.
  • Modify and continue the monitoring program.
  • Support wellhead protection efforts.
  • Develop infiltration standard.
  • Promote conservation and wise use of groundwater.
  • Monitor groundwater.
  • Perform regional modeling.

Goal 4: Unique Natural Resources Management

  • Provide strategic resource evaluation and management.
  • Modify and continue the monitoring program.
  • Acquire and manage data.
  • Provide technical assistance.
  • Provide educational opportunities.
  • Develop a mechanism for identifying and acquiring high value conservation easements.
  • Encourage wildlife connectivity projects that achieve multiple goals, such as water quality improvements and fen and steep slopes protection.
  • Develop a vegetation management standard/plan.

Goal 5: Wetland Management

  • Provide strategic resource evaluation/management.
  • Develop a mechanism for identifying and acquiring high value conservation easements.
  • Delegate Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) to LGUs.
  • Require LGUs to conduct wetland inventories and complete wetland management plans.
  • Review WCA notices as received.
  • Develop a wetland standard.
  • Develop a vegetation management standard/plan.

Goal 6: Floodplain and Flood Management

  • Develop floodplain and drainage alteration standard.
  • Develop infiltration and peak flow standards.
  • Manage localized flooding.
  • Adopt infiltration and peak flow standards.

Goal 7: Erosion and Sediment Control

  • Develop watershed management standards.
  • Develop steep slopes standard.
  • Support the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit.
  • Develop erosion and sediment control standard.
  • Develop a vegetation management standard/plan.
  • Provide streambank and mainstem erosion assessment.
  • Continue gully erosion repair.
  • Promote and encourage shoreland protection.
  • Develop a shoreline and streambank standard.

Goal 8: Commercial and Recreational Navigation

  • Promote safety education.
  • Manage existing Cargill East River (MN – 14.2 RMP) dredge material site.
  • Create a beneficial use plan for dredge materials.
  • Develop a funding structure to ensure proper maintenance and improvement along the river.

Goal 9: Public Education and Outreach

  • Provide public information services.
  • Provide educational opportunities.
  • Promote safety education.
  • Maintain Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).
  • Develop an outreach program.
  • Engage volunteers.
  • Provide opportunity for public input.
  • Produce scientific studies and work products.
  • Promote a variety of education programs.
  • Use multiple outlets to distribute information.
Each year, the District reports progress on goals in the Annual Report.
Minnesota River
Minnesota River showing steep slopes
A group tours Ike's Creek
A boat on the Minnesota River