COVID-19 Impacts to LMRWD
Posted: 04/14/20
In response to the social distancing recommendations from the state and federal governments, the March 18, 2020 meeting of the Board of Managers of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District be held virtually. Managers can call in or join through a link provided. The public may participate in the Citizens Forum by submitting comments by email.
Managers will not be physically present as the regular meeting space for the District has been closed. The meeting will start at 7:00pm, Wednesday, April 15, 2020. The agenda is available on-line.
How to view the Board Meeting remotely
The LMRWD encourages members of the public who do not have an essential need to attend the Board meeting to contact the LMRWD for options to follow the meeting. Contact District Administrator, Linda Loomis at for a call in option.
How to submit public Citizen Forum comments by email
Members of the public who would like to share comments during the Citizen Forum segment of the Board of Managers meeting are encouraged to submit them by email. If an individual submitting Citizen Forum comments via email would like those comments to be read during Citizen Forum, a copy of the comments should be sent to the District Administrator, Linda Loomis at before 5:00pm on the day of the meeting. Comments submitted should be limited to approximately 300 words, which is similar to three minutes when read out loud.
A Note about the Open Meeting Law and COVID-19
The State of Minnesota Department of Administration has offered guidance regarding the COVID-19 health pandemic and the Open Meeting Law. They highlight Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.021. Section 13D.021, subdivision 1 which permits public bodies to hold meetings via telephone or other electronic means if the conditions of this section are met.
Section 13D.021 permits a public body to make a determination that an in-person meeting is "not practical or prudent because of a health pandemic or an emergency declared under chapter 12." At this time, the governor has declared an emergency under Ch. 12."
Requirements for holding a meeting via telephone or other electronic means include:
- All participating members can hear one another;
- Members of the public at the physical meeting location can hear all discussion "unless attendance at the regular meeting location is not feasible due to the health pandemic"; Physical meeting is not feasible as the regular meeting location, the Carver County Government Center, has closed all County facilities until March 27, 2020;
- At least one member of the public body is present at the meeting location, "unless unfeasible due to the health pandemic"; Physical meeting is not feasible as the regular meeting location, the Carver County Government Center, has closed all County facilities until March 27, 2020: and
- All votes are taken by roll call.
To the extent practical, public bodies should allow the public to monitor the meeting remotely, pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section. However, the public body may charge for the costs incurred as a result of those additional monitoring connections.