Educator Mini-Grants 2024
Posted: 02/07/24
Are you looking to bring additional water resource science into your classroom? Look no further than the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD)! LMRWD is currently accepting applications for its Educator Mini-Grant program. If you are an educator or know one looking to grow their students' water resource knowledge, we encourage you to apply.
This program provides a maximum $500 reimbursable grant for educators within LMRWD partner cities. Activities must have a water resources or wildlife habitat component. The deadline for applications is February 23, 2024. Spread the word! Find more information on how to apply at:
Past recipients have used the grant to buy equipment such as waders, microscopes, or pay for transportation for science-based field trips. The LMRWD is excited to connect students to the important water and natural resources that are worth protecting.