Fall is Here! Tips and Tricks for Yard Cleanup

Posted: 11/09/23

Cleaning up fall leaves before the snow flies has an important impact beyond your own backyard. Not only can leaves harm your own lawn, they can clog or enter stormdrains with other debris. Everything that enters a stormdrain ultimately moves to a local waterbody, which can impact water quality and have negative impacts.

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind as you're cleaning up this fall.

1. Rake your yard and add the street to your to-do list. Cleaning up whatever the street sweepers leave behind will help minimize impacts to nearby waters. Yard waste is one of the top contributors of unwanted pollution to local lakes and rivers.

2. Try leaving a small cover of leaves behind in your yard as mulch. Want to learn more? Check out this video from the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization to learn how.

3. Now is the time to winterize your rain barrel. As we move closer to freezing temperatures, it's time to empty and put away your rain barrel for the season.

Once the chores are finished, make sure to get out and enjoy the fall weather with a hike on local trails!

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