City of Burnsville Willow Creek Ravine Stabilization
Estimated Timeline: 2018-2022 Estimated Cost: $75,000Willow Creek is a public drainageway located outside of the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD) boundary in the Black Dog Watershed Management Organization. The creek is approximately 300 feet upstream of the LMRWD boundary and drains to the Minnesota River. The creek is actively eroding, which carries sediment to the Minnesota River. The river is impaired for nutrients and turbidity and has a documented history of excessive erosion and sediment concerns.
In 2018, the City of Burnsville conducted a slope stability analysis that included the development of a slope vulnerability model and field verifications to develop slope mitigation recommendations. A ravine was discovered behind 3104 Glenview Drive that flows under County Road 34 and enters the LMRWD, where it eventually discharges to the Minnesota River. In 2021, as part of the LMRWD 2021 Gully Inventory and Condition Assessment, the ravine was visited and site instability confirmed. Ravine stabilization will change the ravine alignment and stabilize the bank with armoring and bioengineering.
While the project is located outside of the LMRWD, project activities will directly impact the quality of water entering the Minnesota River. Because of this, the LMRWD contributed $75,000 toward the Willow Creek Ravine Stabilization Project. Project construction was considered substantially complete in early 2022. By stabilizing the ravine, total phosphorus (TP) can be reduced by approximately 25,000 pounds per year and sediment reaching the river can be reduced by approximately 45,000 pounds per year. The City is also working with receptive homeowners to expand the original scope of the project to stabilize additional failing banks within the ravine system to maximize project benefits.
Project Resources

Project Contact
For more information about this project, contact:
Linda Loomis
Project Partners
City of Burnsville