Spring Creek Erosion Control
Estimated Timeline: 2018-Present Estimated Cost: $352,000Spring Creek is a dynamic creek that has adapted to a changing environment since the 1800s. Exponential growth in the 1850s caused Spring Creek to transition from being a natural, untouched system to being confined by the development of the downtown region, multiple new crossings, and the adjacent river bluffs. Because of this rapid development, the Spring Creek system and upstream landscape experienced substantial erosion and did not reach equilibrium until the 1940s. Due to new development in recent years, runoff water from the watershed entering Spring Creek has increased runoff leading to increased erosion of the creek’s bank. The Lower Minnesota River Watershed District (LMRWD) is concerned with Spring Creek as a source of sediment to the Minnesota River. Additionally, in 2018, two residents raised concerns of its impact to private property.
The Carver Soil Water Conservation District (SWCD) evaluated the sites. Solutions proposed by the Carver SWCD included reinforcing the stream banks with vegetated retaining walls, vegetated riprap, and native plantings to hold the soil in place. Residents reached out to the LMRWD for cost-share funding and a review of the proposed plans. In June 2019, a site visit was conducted and a hydrology assessment was recommended. The LMRWD completed the hydrology assessment in 2022 to better understand historic changes and anticipate future conditions to determine the appropriate stabilization measures.
The assessment provided the following recommendations: (1) exploring the need for a larger project by studying how long erosion has been occurring and where it is occurring, (2) conducting routine monitoring of the creek to acquire more data on erosion and sedimentation rates entering the Minnesota River, (3) remove invasive vegetation in the floodplain and channel banks to encourage resilience to erosion, (4) prioritizing restoration at the most at-risk sites, (5) continuing monitoring efforts and reevaluate the need for restoration, and (6) continuing coordination with the City of Carver on the proposed levee to determine impacts on Spring Creek erosion. Currently, the LMRWD is moving forward with next steps for design and construction of erosion control solutions. The LMRWD retained ISG as the firm to design Spring Creek erosion control and stabilization measures.
Project Resources
Level 2 Wetland Delineation_Oct 6 2023
Project Contact
For more information about this project, contact:
Linda Loomis
Project Partners
Carver SWCD
Spring Creek Residents